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How would you feel already having the knowledge to confidently breastfeed prior to giving birth?


What 's included in this course (and not in most others)?

The Science-y Bit We Need to Know! - Know the basics, know how to have a good milk supply

 How to get a pain-free latch (no cracked nipples here!)

What’s normal for milk supply, newborn weight loss, and cluster feeding

How to boost your supply (or slow it down if it’s too much!)

The magic of skin-to-skin and why it changes EVERYTHING

Pumping, hand expression & bottle feeding—because sometimes flexibility is key

Crying, Fussing, and Unsettled Behaviors in Babies - Decode your baby's cues and learn effective techniques to soothe and calm them.

A whole toolbox for troubleshooting—from common challenges to the unexpected, so you’re never left wondering, “Is this normal?”

What to do if your baby is separated from you - because some babies need some extra care at first 

Real-life breastfeeding stories—because the reality isn’t always Instagram-perfect

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Wow! Fantastic information

I'm in my third trimester of my first pregnancy and didn't know much about breastfeeding until listening to the Midwives Cauldron podcast and participating in this course. The videos are succinct and easy to dip in and out of. The resources are clear and easy to understand. I feel more confident in my future ability to breastfeed and troubleshoot and any issues I may encounter. I know to seek professional support early on, if needed. I feel excited to start my breastfeeding journey and feel like I am already a step ahead of some of my friends because of this education. Thank you so much Katie, for sharing this invaluable knowledge and your golden nuggets!- Tania

Your delivery is brilliant!

I’m a midwife and LC and a big fan of all your courses. Your information is invaluable, your delivery is brilliant, informative, and easy to digest. I believe from this course breastfeeding rates will have to skyrocket. - Tracy

Successfully breastfed

for 20 weeks now, 5 of them whilst working and expressing so my husband can feed whilst I'm at work. I'm back off work again now and we are loving the access all hours boobage. I swear my success is due to our positive birth and all your info about breastfeeding. I wasn't sure I would breastfeed when I first found out I was pregnant. So many times family, friends, others in my mothers group, have said about supplementing with formula, I even doubted myself many times...mad how ingrained this belief of not making enough is! Thankfully, my husband channeled Katie James many a time, telling me it is normal, my body makes what is needed, etc etc etc - Jamie

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The Feeding Couch